Saturday, October 17, 2009

Big Fish

Big Fish

The over-riding question of this movie: Is it fact or fiction?

I have seen this movie before, but I did not fully understand the implications. Edward Bloom has led an extraordinary life, full of stories which he has told to his son. His son, who is now around 30, has ceased to believe in his father and is under the impression that he does not even know who his father is. But he is wrong, his father is the stories. No, they weren't 100% true, but they were what made his father into the man he was. So what if he didn't really see how he was going to die in the glass eye of an old witch? So what if time didn't literally stop when he saw the love of his life for the first time? The real question: Does it matter? These stories are what made Edward Bloom who he was.

I love this movie. I have never seen any other like it. You are constantly asking how things really did happen. And when you find out (about the son's birth in particular), it just isn't as interesting. This movie is complex. It is about a man's life, but to me, it was about love. About Edward's pure love for Sandra, about the son's love for his father, who he really does know.

I recommend this movie to anyone who loves stories. :)

Grade: A


Books = Possibilities said...

This is definitely a movie you have to watch more than once to catch everything. I want to watch it again...